<meta name="google-site-verification" content="0JEHqz_QE2JZ-s247yUP3uaINni554h9q7CrZY8wFyE" /> Adam J Scarborough Art / This Book is About You

This Book is About You*
(Ongoing research-based project, 2014-onwards)

Text sourced from books, magazines and newspapers read by members of the public on mass-transit. A collective narrative accumulates, creating a textual snapshot of the lives of New Yorkers.

*Project title, and all of the following excerpts were sourced from books being read by members of the public on public transportation.

This Book is About You
(A text for many voices)

I stepped forward and put the key in the lock and pushed the door open hard and spun back, away from the door, and I pressed against the wall beside it. I heard not the tiniest stirring inside.


The door, praying she wouldn't see through my lame story.


Opening my mouth to yawn at a Labour Day.


Wysylamy Poczta


He has serious shell shock.


O but still I have power to sound the god's command at the road that lauded the kings.


They're the ones who dress Lady Gaga.


It takes until May but the ice finally melts.


But shining grainfields sprout and twigs grow green

On the trees; the trees grow, too, and bear their fruits.


The fountain threw off its seven veils

As the air swayed it.


This chapter may be 'woo woo' for you but try to read it and understand it because it is important to manifesting your future.


Traversing the long and matted gallery I descended the slippery steps of oak.


I can't stay in the hear and now, my head is whirling, where should I aim for? And what if I don't recognize the people on my path?


The mark of Tartarus, if you will go beyond the limit.


Anna opened the grounds to garden clubs and held small concerts for friends.



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adam j scarborough ©