<meta name="google-site-verification" content="0JEHqz_QE2JZ-s247yUP3uaINni554h9q7CrZY8wFyE" /> Adam J Scarborough Art / DE//Motivational Posters

DE//Motivational Posters
(Acrylic and reclaimed paper, 1189 x 841mm, 2014)

Utilising the latest in colour theory, these large hand-painted prints come in two flavours and are designed to re-orient bi-polar tendencies: short-cirtcuiting psychological swings between states of depression and mania. 

Humour is a mechanism that can counter-act momentary shifts in mood, and these prints are both a tongue-in-cheek provocation and a challenge in existential humanism.

contact adamjscarborough@gmail.com to order yours today!

Requests for bespoke de/motivational statements for friends and family considered.

For more information on bi-polar disorder, go here: NHS


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adam j scarborough ©